Violent extremism online

Violent extremism affects children and young people in many ways. It endangers the child’s right to well-being, development, and a safe growing environment.

Narrow-minded extremism opposing diversity and equality, undermines societal cohesion, increases polarization, and exposes children to hate speech, violent rhetoric, and physical violence. Children and young people are particularly vulnerable to violent extremism because they are still growing and learning how to navigate in the society. Hostile extremist activities erode a child’s sense of security and trust in society. Additionally, being subjected to hate speech or violence, or witnessing them, can be traumatic experiences for children and young people.

“Societal uncertainty, polarization, and the rise of hate speech create a foundation for ideological violence that threatens the rights and well-being of children.”

This publication provides basic information about violent extremism and radicalisation, as well as the impact they have on the lives of children and young people.