Eväitä Elämälle Program

Eväitä Elämälle – Supporting families
The local associations involved in our Eväitä Elämälle (Food for Life) program, supported by Save the Children Finland, help children and young people from low-income families by providing support for extracurricular activities, learning materials, and mentoring.
In 2020, the program also began distributing food aid in the form of gift cards for food to families with children who were struggling financially due to the COVID-19 crisis.
The support provided by the Eväitä Elämälle (Food for Life) program is aimed at children whose ability to participate in extracurricular activities is at risk, and who face challenges in covering the costs of learning materials due to the family’s financial hardship or other social challenges.
The purpose of these support measures is to promote equality, inclusion, and healthy development for children and young people. The goal is to create lasting changes in the lives of children and young people at both the individual and societal levels.
“Your support has been invaluable to our family, and I can’t even imagine what our situation would be like without it.”
The support is delivered by local volunteer-run associations in their own regions.
The distribution of support for extracurricular activities, learning materials, food aid, and mentoring would not be possible without the valuable support of our volunteers and donors to the Eväitä Elämälle (Food for Life) program.
Together, we can provide opportunities for extracurricular activities and education, as well as help with food costs for those who need it most!

Seek support for your child
The support is distributed to children who may not be able to participate in their hobbies or face challenges in paying for their study material expenses.
In 2024
Contact us
Eväitä Elämälle (Food for Life)
We are happy to assist with any questions related to support for extracurricular activities, learning materials, mentoring, and food aid. For application-related matters, please contact the local association from which you are seeking support from.