Resource bank

On this page, we have compiled the materials, guides, and reports produced in English by Child Protection and Finnish Hotline Nettivihje. You will also find our annual reports on this page.

You can find all our materials in Finnish in Materiaalipankki.

Guidebooks, brochures and reports

How to discuss sexual abuse with a young person?

Annual reports

Guidebooks, training materials, brochures and reports

LISTEN AND SUPPORT – Guide to Parents and Guardians about Children’s Sexual Education

English (pdf)

Finnish (pdf)

Swedish (pdf)

Other languages:

Albanian (pdf)

Arabic (pdf)

Bosnian (pdf)

French (pdf)

German (pdf)

Greek (pdf)

Icelandic (pdf)

Polish (pdf)

Somali (pdf)

Spanish (pdf)

Training package: Evidence based sexual education

This training package is addressed to you as a professional working with children. It aims at making you aware of and able to address the topic of child sexual abuse with children and to support the children in acquiring awareness, skills and knowledge of their bodies, emotions, boundaries and consent.

It is comprised of five modules, named: “What do you know about sexual rights?”“Human body”, “Emotional and Communication Skills”“Boundaries and consent”“Protection of children from sexual abuse”. Each module further consists of three units, which focus on specific issues.

In modules’ units, you can find activities for children 5-8 years old and 9-11 years old on the topics covered, which you can implement in your class. Having taken into account the school programme, the duration of each activity is 45 minutes. Additionally to the activities, each unit also contains clear and detailed instructions to guide you in their implementation, as well as some key information.


Evidence based sexual education – Training package and Annexes


Tietoa ja menetelmiä lasten seksuaalikasvatuksen tueksi – Tehtäviä 5–11-vuotiaille lapsille

Brochure for children: 5 things you should know about being safe and healthy

Finnish (pdf)

Swedish (pdf)

English (pdf)

Other languages:

Albanian (pdf)

Arabic (pdf)

Bosnian (pdf)

French (pdf)

German (pdf)

Greek (pdf)

Icelandic (pdf)

Polish (pdf)

Portuguese (pdf)

Spanish (pdf)

Brochure for young people: What if your sexual thoughts are directed at children much younger than you?

Finnish (pdf)

Swedish (pdf)

English (pdf)

Other languages:

Albanian (pdf)

Arabia (pdf)

Bosnian (pdf)

French (pdf)

German (pdf)

Greek (pdf)

Icelandic (pdf)

Polish (pdf)

Somali (pdf)

Spanish (pdf)

Brochure for professionals: How to support a young person with child sexual thoughts

Finnish (pdf)

Swedish (pdf)

English (pdf)

Other languages:

Albanian (pdf)

Arabic (pdf)

French (pdf)

German (pdf)

Greek (pdf)

Icelandic (pdf)

Spanish (pdf)

Bingo – Body parts

The Body Parts bingo game reinforces children’s knowledge of the body and its functions, and through this, the game promotes children’s awareness of the dignity and limits of their own body.

The Body Parts bingo game allows children to learn about the different parts of the body and their different names, as well as the different functions of the body parts.

With bingo:

  • The child learns the correct names of body parts
  • The child learns about the basic functions of the body
  • The child learns to appreciate his/her own body and the bodies of others

Printable materials:

Bingo game rules

Bingo boards (25)

Body part cards for teacher

Body function cards for children

Body functions cards for teachers

Preventing Child Sexual Abuse – Support for Adolescents Sexually Attracted to Children

The guidebook is an introductory tool for professionals in contact with adolescents on how to prevent child sexual abuse by helping adolescents who are sexually attracted to children.

Read Preventing Child Sexual Abuse Guidebook (pdf)

Grooming in the eyes of a child – A report on the experiences of 11−17-year-old children on online grooming

Grooming in the eyes of a child – A report on the experiences of 11−17-year-old children on online grooming.

Read Grooming in the eyes of a child report (pdf)

How to discuss sexual abuse with a young person?

This page has 6 videos produced by Save the Children Finland’s Finnish Hotline Nettivihje. The videos have information about child sexual abuse: identifying it, preventing it, reporting, and seeking support. The videos were made in collaboration with young people. After each video, there are tips for discussing the topic with young people.

Six animation videos and instructions for a professional on how to discuss sexual abuse with a young person.

Brochure for children and young people about Take It Down Service and Finnish Hotline Nettivihje

Brochure in English (pdf)

Available also in Finnish and Swedish

Annual reports

The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Save the Children Finland and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.