Preparedness trainings and materials

Save the Childrens Preparedness organizes various trainings for crisis situations and Child Friendly Space activities.

Lapsi ojentaa dinosauruslelua Pelastakaa Lapset -vapaaehtoiselle lapsiystävällisessä tilassa.
Satakunta Karpintie 8, Huittinen Koulutus

Lapsen kohtaaminen kriiseissä -koulutus, Huittinen

Pelastakaa Lasten valmiustoiminta järjestää tammikuussa Lapsen kohtaaminen kriiseissä koulutuksen kahtena webinaarina. Koulutus sisältää myös 1-2h itseopiskelua.

Nuori ja aikuinen katsovat yhdessä älypuhelinta iloisina.
Etäkoulutus Koulutus

Etäkoulutus: Nuorten osallisuuden tukeminen

Miten vähentää nuorten yksinäisyyttä ja toivottomuutta verkkotyössä? Koulutus keinoista lasten ja nuorten tukemiseen osallisuutta vahvistamalla.

Supporting children in crises – course

  • Aimed specifically at volunteers and also professionals who encounter children in crisis situations
  • The training consists of modules that can be taken as stand-alone short courses or as part of a larger course
  • The training can be delivered face-to-face or online

  • After the course, the participant will understand the specific situation of children in different crisis situations
  • The participant will recognize the reactions of children of different ages in crisis situations
  • The participant will be equipped with tools to identify children in need of support
  • The participant will master the basic principles of meeting and supporting children in crisis and distress situations

  • The status and protection of children in crisis situations
  • Children’s reactions in crisis and identification of children in need of support
  • Meeting children in crisis situations
  • Consideration of children and families with different languages and disabilities
  • Child Friendly spaces workshop

Child Friendly Spaces course

Anyone interested in volunteering for preparedness work can take part in the Child Friendly Space online training. After a completed course all volunteers t will be interviewed and have their criminal record checked. The volunteer can then work in the Child Friendly Space and is included in the organization’s register of volunteers for preparedness work.

The course gives you the skills to volunteer in a Child Friendly Space. The training will cover the principles of Child Friendly Space activities, child support, cooperation, child rights and protection, and taking into account children with different languages and disabilities.

The course is a independent online course taking about  4-6 hours to complete. At the moment the course is only available in Finnish.

Online training

Are you interested in volunteering for Save the Children in Child Friendly Spaces? Sign up for the online training (in Finnish)

Puinen lelujuna raiteilla

Other training topics

We organize other trainings as needed, such as the 72h Household Preparedness Guide, as well as tailor-made webinars and training events on the theme of facing children in crisis.

Lapsia leikkimässä puupalikoilla lattialla

Are you interested in acting as a trainer?

We are looking for volunteer trainers for the Meeting children in Crisis course. We organize a training of trainers, and those who complete it will form a national pool of trainers. The pool is made up of employees and volunteers from the organization. No previous experience as a trainer is necessary. Please feel free to contact us if you are interested.



Preparedness unit

Mikael Lehtinen

Preparedness Planning Officer